"A hundred million miracles" is a series of creative expressions demonstrated by a very experienced artist and entertainer Ms. Eileen Rothstein. The series is free, for all age groups who want to dabble in various arts and crafts. The series will be live streamed on Facebook, and YouTube every last Monday of the month.
In the first session on Jan 25th you will learn to draw a tropical palm tree and a realistic capture of the human eye.
Supplies needed: Paper, #2 Pencil. Color Pencils (optional)
Ms. Eileen is an art teacher with over 20 years of experience. Her style is very freeform and she doesn't limit herself to standard conventional art. One of Ms. Eileen's core strengths is that she is able to easily relay her artistic thoughts and ideas directly to her students. Her passion and creativity flows from her experience and the artist in her is constantly inspired by various themes that surround her (Nature , Seasons, Holidays etc.).
As the Flower Drum song goes....."A hundred million miracles are happening every day....."
If you want to donate and receive updates on what else Ms. Eileen is working on, click on BOOK and proceed.