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Raag Rang Holiday Concert 2024 Participation
Welcome to Raag Rang's Holiday concert 2024.  As we wrap up this year we are organizing this fundraising event that will bring to you a mix of performances by talented artists.
If you would like to perform at the event, please fill up the form below and pay the participation fee of $10. For questions or inquiries please email raagrang07@gmail.com

Full name *
Phone number
Age (for individual performers)
Parent name (if performer is under 18 years)
School name (if applicable)
If group performance, no. of performers
Performance type (Vocal, instrumental, dance etc.) *
Upload profile picture
Once you submit this form, you will receive a confirmation email along with the payment link to pay your participation fee. We will reach out to you if we need more details about your performance.

Mandatory fields