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Raag Rang Holiday Concert 2024 Sponsorship
This is the sponsorship form for Raag Rang's Holiday concert to be held on December 6th, 2024. This is our fundraising event, and we hope you will support us in meeting our goal.
Please fill up and submit the form if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Following are the sponsorship levels:

1. Bronze: $150
  • Logo on the Flyer
  • 2 complementary event tickets
2. Silver: $250
  • Benefits in Bronze
  • Your logo and website on the Event Page 
  • 2 complementary front row event tickets
3. Gold: $450
  • Benefits in Silver
  • An exclusive post about you on our Facebook page 
  • Mention during the event by our emcee
  • 4 complementary front row tickets
4. Booth: $300

You can setup a booth at the entrance of the venue and get to personally meet the event guests as they enter the venue. Take advantage of this opportunity to make in-person connections by sponsoring a booth. Pricing is at $300 per business representative per booth space. You can take advantage of:
  • Your logo on our Flyer 
  • A table to lay your branded material
  • Space to display your banner
  • Mention during the event by our emcee

Please let us know your response latest by November 15th, 2024. For questions email us at raagrang07@gmail.com. You will receive the payment link once you submit this form.

Full name
Email *
Organization name (if applicable)
Sponsorship level *
Upload logo image
Paste your website link
Thank you for your interest. You will receive a confirmation email upon submitting this form.

Mandatory fields