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Platinum-Sponsorship - Bharat Ki Awaaz-2022
Registration and Payment
Please fill up and submit this form to confirm your sponsorship.
Sponsorship levels and benefits:
Platinum: $5000
· Your logo on our event Flyer
· Your logo and website link on event web page
· Your logo and name on the all the episodes of the event – from start to end of the season
· Mention by the emcee 3 times during all the episodes – start, middle and end of the event
· One interview and promotion on social media – Facebook and YouTube
First name
Last name
Contact number
Organization name (If applicable)
Provide a brief summary about your organization
Upload an IMAGE file of your logo
Full name in lieu of signature
Please note
Sponsorship benefits (as provided above) will kick in once the payment is received.
Online fees will be added to the sponsorship amount at the time of checkout.
For questions, please email
Price per participant: $5000.00
If you have a discount code, please check the box. Once you enter the code and the discount is successfully applied, you will view the discounted price on the payment page.
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